EOS Ecology’s Year One Annual Report for 'Wai Connection' is out!

The past year has been a whirlwind for our team as we’ve delivered ‘Wai Connection’ to Waitaha/Canterbury, and provided National Technical Support across Aotearoa, backing all ‘Wai Connection’ Provider Organisations with expertise in science, GIS, and science interpretation. With so much accomplished, we captured it all in our first EOS Ecology ‘Wai Connection’ Annual Report. So, grab a cuppa, sit back, and take a look at what we’ve achieved together!

What is ‘Wai Connection’?

We support the Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust (MTSCT) in delivering ‘Wai Connection – Tatai Ki Te Wai’, a catchment support programme building community engagement, equity, and ecological sustainability. ‘Wai Connection’ connects a diverse network – from regional councils to catchment groups and hapū/iwi – to tackle challenges unique to each catchment area. Through essential tools, knowledge, and guidance, the project empowers communities to collaboratively address environmental challenges in their catchment. Though regionally focused, ‘Wai Connection’ is delivered nationally with local support from Provider Organisations, backed by our EOS Ecology National Technical Support Team for effective, on-the-ground impact across Aotearoa.