
Latest news

New Website Launched

We felt it was time. The last website overhaul was in 2009! Where did the time go?

‘Wai Connection’ Year One Annual Report

Whoa, we did a lot in the first year! Check out what we delivered at the National and Regional level.

CBFM Website Scoping Document

A community-based freshwater monitoring site to empower and connect communities.

Our GIS Team & Services have Grown

Our GIS team has grown – along with our expertise, experience and services on offer. Let's work together.

Ararira CMP Launched

See what’s in store for the Ararira catchment with the launch of the Ararira CMP – it has us excited!

Our New HQ!

We felt it was time. The last office move was in 2007! Where on earth did the time go?